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Foreign residence permit, residence permit, which is mandatory for anyone to settle in Turkey with a number of reasons. Turkey a passport or a document in lieu arriving foreigners in our country, applied to the countries they came from can stay during the visa exemption or visa. Foreigners who come with a visa or visa exemption can stay for a maximum of 30, 60, 90 days at a time. A foreigner who wants to continue to stay in the country after these periods has to obtain a residence permit. Foreigners who decide to settle in our country for any reason must obtain a residence permit.

The Law on Foreigners and International Protection regulates six types of residence permits, these are:

  • Short term residence permit

  • Family residence permit

  • Student residence permit

  • Long term residence permit

  • Residence permit for victims of human trafficking and

  • It is a humanitarian residence permit.

These types of residence permits are examined with their definitions in the rest of the article.

Foreigners with foreign residence permits will be seated on a legal basis for settlement to Turkey. In order to obtain a residence permit, the foreigner must request. If the residence permit applies with the required documents, it will be issued if it meets the necessary conditions according to the type of permit requested. The application for a residence permit will be made to the consulate in the country where the foreigner is a citizen or resident. In order for the application to be evaluated, the required documents must be complete. The residence permit application is finalized within 90 days. There are also cases where the application can be made to the governorships. For example, a victim of immigrant smuggling can apply to governorates for residence permits, long-term or student permits.

residence in the 6458 s in Turkey. It is regulated within the framework of the Law on Foreigners and International Protection.

For What Purposes Can A Foreign Residence Permit Be Taken?

Many foreigners come to Turkey many different purposes can be granted a residence permit. For example Foreigners in Turkey from the moment they arrive on Residence and Travel of Foreigners who came to Turkey in order to keep the business according to law, must obtain a residence permit within 1 month. In addition, foreigners can apply for a residence permit in our country for education purposes. So, who can get a foreign residence permit for educational purposes? associate degree in a higher education institution in Turkey, undergraduate, graduate, doctorate, graduate medical education (TUS), Specialist Training in Dentistry (DUS) student residence permit for foreigners will be trained in the levels can be arranged. Foreigners also come to our country for touristic trips. Foreigners staying for touristic purposes should obtain a short-term residence permit. In addition to these, it would not be wrong to say that foreigners who have decided to settle in our country due to marriage can obtain a family residence permit. The family residence permit does not only cover the foreign spouse. With a family residence permit, children can stay in our country up to the age of 18 during primary and secondary education.

Where to Apply for Foreign Residence Permit?

Foreign residence permit applications, also known as residence permit, are made to consulates abroad. In other words, the applicant will make an application to the consulate in the country where he is legally or a citizen. But Turkey residence permit applications are also available that can be done through:

  • In decisions or requests of judicial or administrative authorities,

  • The foreigners who will apply it is not reasonably possible in the absence of or departure from Turkey,

  • Long-term, student, humanitarian, human trafficked residence permits,

  • In cases where a transition from family residence permit to a short-term residence permit is applied,

  • The parents of a residence permit in applications for children born in Turkey,

  • In the applications made to obtain a permit suitable for the new purpose of stay due to the termination or change of the main reason despite having a valid residence permit

  • 6458 p. Law m. In foreign residence permit applications made under 20/2

  • Turkey in the short-term resident foreigners have completed their transition to higher education.

In these exceptional cases, applications for obtaining a residence permit can be made to the governorships in the country.

Where to Get a Residence Permit for Foreigners (Residence Permit)?

In order to obtain a foreign residence permit, they must apply to the consulates in the country where the foreigner is a citizen or legally located. Consulates will forward the applications to the Directorate General of Migration Management within the framework of their opinions and the Directorate General will issue the residence permit or reject the application. Residence permit application can also be made by the intermediary institution authorized by the General Directorate. Turkey can also be made to apply for a residence permit through the governor. However, this will be an exceptional case. The law regulates the situations in which applications can be made to the governorships one by one. Taking a residence permit is required to register within 20 working days of the address registration system of foreigners coming to Turkey must be noted.

How to Get a Foreign Residence Permit?

When an application is made to the consulates abroad, the consulate will forward this application to the Directorate General of Migration Management together with the consular opinion. The General Directorate examines and finalizes the application by taking the opinions of the relevant institutions when necessary. If there is a positive result, it informs the relevant consulate in order to issue a residence permit. Applications are finalized within 90 days at the latest.

Apart from the application authorities listed in the law, applicants are now offered e-residence opportunities. It is possible to apply online by clicking the e-residence tab on the website of the Directorate General of Migration Management. There is also an option for application tracking on the page opened for online application.

Foreign residence permit procedures can also be carried out by the authorized intermediary institution. You can reach us from the contact page to get residence permit consultancy service from Yenipınar Law Firm, expert lawyers of foreigners law.

What are the Documents Required for Foreign Residence Permit?

Documents required for a residence permit Our country has required the obtaining of a residence permit for foreigners who will stay longer than the visa or visa exemption or for more than ninety days. In order to obtain a residence permit, the foreigner must apply to the consulates of the country of citizenship. So what are the documents required for a residence permit? Some documents for this question may differ depending on which type of residence permit you will receive. For example, the documents required for a short-term residence permit constitute the foreign residence permit application form, the passport or the original and photocopy of the passport or substitute substance, 4 biometric photographs, a statement of sufficient and regular financial means during the stay and a valid health insurance. However, in case the administration requests to stay for tourism purposes, information or documents regarding the travel plan and accommodation should also be attached. For a student residence permit, an active student certificate must also be attached to the documents listed above for short-term leave.

For What Purposes Can A Foreign Residence Permit Be Taken?

reasons to get a residence permit in Turkey will vary according to the purpose of the foreign presence in the country. The types of residence permits that foreigners can obtain to be in our country are as follows:

  • Short-term residence permit: Those who come for scientific purposes, have immovable property in our country, have a commercial connection or establish a business in our country, participate in an in-service training program, enter the country for tourism purposes, receive treatment, stay in the country with the decision or request of the judicial-administrative authorities and other reasons foreigners can obtain a short-term residence permit.

  • Long-term residence permit: Foreigners who have resided in our country for at least 8 years without interruption and who comply with the conditions set by the Immigration Policies Board can obtain a long-term residence permit.

  • Family residence permit: Family residence permit is obtained to stay in the country with the status of spouse or child.

  • Student residence permit: It can be given to children who do not have a family residence permit, who will receive primary-secondary education, associate degree, undergraduate, doctorate, TUS, DUS students.

  • Humanitarian residence permit: 6458 p. Law m. A foreigner residence permit may be granted for the reasons listed under 46.

  • Residence permit for victims of human trafficking: It is a residence permit that can be issued for foreigners who have strong suspicion that they are or may be victims of human trafficking.

How long is the Foreign Residence Permit (Residence Permit) Extension Period?

Foreign residence permit extension, in other words, foreign residence permit extension procedures are carried out by the governorships. For foreign residence permit extension, an application must be made to the governorships 60 days before the expiry of the residence permit. The residence permit extension period varies depending on the type of permit. According to the Law on Foreigners and International Protection, a short-term residence permit will be granted for two years each time. According to this article, the extension will take place for a maximum of two years, followed by a re-application. In the family residence permit, this period will be 3 years. Student residence permit can be given for a period of one year each year until the end of the student. It should not be forgotten that if the education period is less than 1 year, the residence permit will be given as much as the education period. Article 7 of the work permit residence permit according to the law in order to extend the scope of the authorization in cases where the numbers should not be allowed entry into Turkey.

For Which Foreigners Can The Residence Permit Be Extended?

Turkey legally mold residence permit who want to extend married to a Turkish citizen with permission to work and their families and included in this permit by the country, which can prove that it operates in accordance with generally stay objective, residence permits for foreigners that offers this document regarding the extension will be possible.

The documents required for the extension of the foreign residence permit are the residence permit application form, passport or a replacement document, four white and biometric photographs taken within the last 6 months, a declaration of sufficient and regular financial means during the stay and valid health insurance. These documents may vary depending on the reason for the residence permit extension.

Depending on the changes in the immigration policy, the duration of the tourist residence permit can now be extended. Students also have the right to apply for a residence permit extension. However, some conditions are required for this. In the first place, there should be no evidence for the student to continue and not to continue. Of course, the deportation decision should not have been made about the student who will apply. Likewise, some conditions were required for family residence permit. Spouses should not come together only for residence permit. For the family residence permit, spouses must live together. Again, there should not have been a deportation decision regarding the applicant for an extension.

What are the Documents Required for Residence Permit Extension Procedures for Foreigners?

Are the documents required to extend the residence permit different from the documents required for application? What documents are required? Although the documents required for foreign residence permit extension vary depending on the type of permit, the common documents required are:

  • Residence permit application form

  • Notarized photocopy of passport or travel document

  • 4 biometric photographs taken in the last 6 months

  • Statement of sufficient and regular financial means during the stay

  • Valid health insurance

In addition to these, you may need additional documents depending on what type of residence permit you have obtained. You can reach Yenipınar Law Office to get information about the documents required according to the residence permit you will receive to obtain a foreign residence permit.

What is the Residence Permit Document Cost and Tuition Fee?

What is the price for a residence permit in Turkey, I have to pay tuition fee and document how, Is there a residence permit extension fee often we are faced with the question. In this sense, it would be useful to mention the price of the residence permit in Turkey.

residence permit prices in Turkey is a definition covering the cost of visas and residence fees and card costs. It is necessary to examine them separately. The 2019 residence permit residence fee is set at $ 80 for many countries. The card fee is 89 TL. Visa fee is 567.60 TL. However, these fees may vary depending on the type of residence permit or the country where the applicant is located. For detailed information on the subject, you can apply to the lawyers of Yenipınar Law Office, who are experts in foreigners law.

The document issued to foreigners who apply for a residence permit extension is not subject to any fees. This document is given to reside in the country even if the residence permit expires until the extension decision is made.

How Much Does Foreign Residence Permit Cost?

Residence permit fee for foreigners, residence permit documents are determined as valuable papers by the law on valuable papers. Residence permit documents are subject to the cost of documents determined by the Ministry of Finance every year. In the relevant law, the foreign residence permit is determined as 72 TL for 2018. In addition to the residence permit fee, the residence permit card and residence permit fee, health insurance fee, and if necessary, notary and translation service fees must be paid. Health insurance fees will also vary by age group. This fee varies between 145 TL and 740 TL from 18 to 65 years of age. Some countries are exempted from the residence permit fee. What these countries are can be questioned from the Turkish consulate.

Re-Application for Missing Documents?

The question of whether the missing documents in residence permit applications requires a new application is wondered by the applicants. If there is a missing document in the residence permit application, the administration will give the applicant up to 30 days to complete this deficiency. Therefore, there is no need to make a new application. However, within this 30-day period, the missing applicant must complete the missing documents. Otherwise, the application made is canceled.

When the residence permit extension application is made, if it is detected that there are missing documents in this application, the applicant is reached through the provincial directorates of migration management. It declared that the applicant's address or contact information is used for transportation in Turkey. If the applicant is not present at the address or the contact information is determined to be incorrect, he is responsible for this issue.

Who Can Be Exempt From Residence Permit?

Exemption from residence permit 6458 p. Law m. It is arranged on the 20th. Accordingly, the following are exempt from residence permit:

  • Those who come to the country with or without a visa for up to 90 days,

  • Holders of Stateless Person Identification Document, International Protection Applicant Identification Document or International Protection Status Holder Identity Document,

  • Turkey in the diplomatic and consular officers involved with those reported by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs or their families,

  • International organizations working in missions in Turkey

  • Persons whose status is determined by agreements,

  • Those who are exempted from residence permit by agreements to which the Turkish Republic is a party,

  • Those who lost Turkish citizenship by obtaining a renunciation permit.

What is the Deportation Decision and Who Does it Apply to?

The decision to deport means the deportation of foreigners to their country of origin or to the country of transit or to a third country. Deportation decision will be taken about 6458 p. The law is specified in article 54. According to this:

  • Directors, members, supporters of terrorist or profit-oriented criminal organizations, and persons who are considered to be related to terrorist organizations defined by international institutions and organizations

  • enter Turkey, unrealistic visa and residence permits for processing information and using forged documents

  • During his time in Turkey was providing the livelihood of legitimate non-road

  • Those who pose a threat to public order, security and health

  • Those whose visa or visa exemption period exceeds ten days, or whose visa or residence permit has been canceled

  • Those who violate the residence permit duration more than ten days without an acceptable justification

  • Residence permit extension applications were rejected are those who do departing from Turkey in ten days

  • Employees despite not having a work permit,

  • Those acting contrary to the legal provisions on entry and exit Turkey,

  • Despite the ban on entry into the country from Turkey,

  • 5237 p. Law m. 59 Persons deemed to be deported under the scope of

For those whose application for international protection is rejected, excluded from international protection, whose application is inadmissible, whose application has been withdrawn or deemed to have withdrawn, whose international protection status is terminated or whose status has been canceled, 6458 p. According to other provisions of this Act shall be decided on deportation has no right to remain in Turkey.

Yenipınar Law Office has been providing legal support for many years on issues concerning foreigners law. You can contact us for your transactions concerning Foreigners law and foreign residence permit procedures.

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